Headley Psychotherapy
headley psychotherapy
Relationship Counsellor and Therapist
Alcohol & Drug Counsellor and Therapist
Alcohol & Drug Counsellor and Therapist
Phil Yules MBACP
Relationship/Couple therapy
I am an experienced, Relate trained, relationship counsellor. I understand that difficulties can beset relationships, whether partner or family. So often, couples can lose sight of each other within the complexities of modern living. I can help you to identify where your relationship is currently, how it has got there and, should you want to change the course of your future relationship, how you might reframe this.
Relationship MOT
We have our cars and boilers serviced regularly to ensure their smooth running and to try to prevent breakdowns. Yet we can often neglect our relationship until problems become more significant and entrenched. In a Relationship MOT we endeavour to explore your current situation. It is a health check that offers an overview of your relationship at the moment. It is designed to help you understand some of the issues you, or you and your partner may be facing.
Alcohol and Drug problems
I have seventeen years' experience in working with alcohol and drug problems and addiction.
I recognise that when alcohol or drug use becomes problematic, it will often have been an important coping strategy over time.
I believe that we need to think about alcohol and drug use from a biological, a psychological and a social perspective.
- We can think about the biological effects - what are the effects on the brain, as well as on other parts of the body?
- We can think about the psychological effects- what do alcohol or drugs do for your coping, for your mood? These effects might be both positive and negative. It is important to recognise that alcohol and drug use can become problematic because at some level they are working for us.
- We can think about the social effects. What is the effect on your work relationships, on your home life and on your intimate relationships?
We can think about the mind and the body being connected, with both mind and body affecting the development and progression of problematic or addictive alcohol and drug use. We can think about this within your social and cultural context which will often be relevant.
Clinics in Headley, near Bordon, and Farnham
Contact me here
Training, qualifications and experience
I have worked for over 17 years in my specialist area, across third sector organisations with Relate and within the NHS. I am a qualified, Relate trained, Relationship Counsellor.
I have also worked as both a practitioner and as a manager in alcohol and drug services. This has included community services providing harm reduction advice, alcohol brief intervention services and residential alcohol and drug detox and rehabilitation services
I have worked for over 17 years in my specialist area, across third sector organisations with Relate and within the NHS. I am a qualified, Relate trained, Relationship Counsellor.
I have also worked as both a practitioner and as a manager in alcohol and drug services. This has included community services providing harm reduction advice, alcohol brief intervention services and residential alcohol and drug detox and rehabilitation services
Age Range
I work with over 18s
I work with over 18s